VTS Round 5

Round 5 of the 2024 Victorian Trials Series (VTS) is being held on the 1st of September 2024, hosted by the Oakleigh Motorcycle Club (OMCC).

The trial is being held on a property located at 940 Barwon Park Rd Winchelsea on the banks of the Barwon River.

OMCC Club grounds will be CLOSED

OMCC will be seeking the assistance of observers for this event, so if you, a family member or friend can help, please get in touch with

[email protected]

 Link to Entry Place  

 Victorian Trial Series – Round 5 — Entry Place

TdN Training with Jono Chellas


Jono Chellas will be at OMCC in July for training. Join our newest TdN team member for a weekend of trials training at the OMCC club grounds to raise funds for Australia’s 2024 TdN campaign.  This will be Jono’s first time as a competitor on the team and is an expert rider here in Australia, as well as spending time in Europe last year riding World Rounds and European Championships.  

To allow the right focus, we have split the weekend up into two groups:

Saturday 20th will be T4+ and above (10 spots)

Sunday 21st will be Beginner to T4 (15 spots)

 OMCC will put on a BBQ for all participants.

Each day will be 10am – 3pm with a break in the middle for lunch.

 This is open to all, however priority is given to OMCC Members if we are over-subscribed.

Price: $150 per person

 Address: 1 Simpson Rd, Clayton South, VIC 3169



OMCC would like to welcome the newly formed Gippsland Trials and Enduro Club (GTEC).

Easter Trial

OMCC and GTEC hosted the Easter Trial at Glenmaggie. It was great to have this traditional trial back at one of our

favourite venues.

 A new camping area was well received by all.

77 riders enjoyed the great sections. Thanks to GTEC for setting sections and riding loop.

Thanks to OMCC members who helped out.




On Sunday April 21st OMCC hosted the first round of the 2024 Victorian Trials Series (VTS).

It was a successful Trial at the wonderful property in Peters Lane, Mardan with 55 entries.

Thanks to the section setters, GTEC and Trevor Campbell. Thanks to Amanda and Matt Kerr for organising and looking after the

fantastic, volunteer observers. Also, thanks to Amanda for scoring and to David Grice and Greg Chalmers for being the key officials.




On Sunday May 19th TCV hosted the second round of the VTS at a new venue in Tooborac. 66 riders enjoyed the day.



JETS Training

The training of Juniors at the club grounds continues with 2 Motorcycling Australia (MA) accredited coaches.

This training helps Juniors move forward to obtaining their Competition Licence.

Training days are July 21st and September 15th. For more information contact Stan

at [email protected]

Upcoming Events

June 2Forgotten Era TrialWoodleigh  Woodleigh RPA Day — Entry Place
June 23VTS 3Mt Bolton
July 14VTS 4Bayton
July 21JETS TrainingClub Grounds
Sept1VTS 5Winchelsea
Sept 15JETS TrainingClub Grounds

 Australian Trials Week

Sep 28-29Victorian TitlesMt Bolton
Oct 2Mid Week TrialClub grounds
Oct 5-6Australian TitlesRavenswood

More details will follow closer to the events. Please remember for the competitions to be a success we need volunteers

to help with setting up and observing.

Working Bee

Date to be advised.


OMCC held its AGM on the 25 Feb 2024. Thanks to those who attended

and for those who couldn’t that submitted their forms.  

At the AGM we voted in the new committee. We would like to extend a

warm welcome to our new committee member Greg Chalmers

and farewell Simon Watts (former Secretary).

 Thank you for your contribution and hard work.

The OMCC committee is now comprised of:

  • Peter Spencer (President)
  • David Grice (Secretary)
  • Matt Kerr (Treasurer) 
  • Steve Carter (Vice President)
  • Chris Grubb (Membership Secretary)
  • John Wilson (Groundskeeper)
  • Craig Genner (Assistant Groundskeeper)
  • Janina Gorski (Communications Officer)
  • Stan Mularczyk (General Committee)
  • John Barlow (General Committee)
  • Greg Chalmers (General Committee)
  • Reece Chalmers (General Committee

Craig Genner was awarded Life Membership. Congratulations.


Junior Enthusiast Trials Squad

Venue OMCC, 1 Simpsons Road Oakleigh South

Date Sunday 3 MARCH 2024      Start time is 9.30am

(This is one of Four JETS events check the Calendar for other Dates)

             Closing date to register is Friday  MARCH 1   .. Spots are limited

OMCC invites parents to register for the next Junior Enthusiast Trials Squad training day & Come

& Try Day ride.

Training is Free to members

BBQ sausage sizzle will be provided

New and day members welcome by appointment (conditions apply)

We will have several groups of different levels and training requirements up to C grade.

There will be approx. 5 hours training with fun activities and a Mini Trail with certificates for

Juniors and sub juniors.

If your child needs this training for a MA licence, please indicate this on the registration form

Kids can Ride any mini bike or a push bike.  

New parents can book a 15min Come and Try Ride. Children must be competent push bike

riders to qualify for a Come and Try ride. We have an Oset 16 available. Booking is essential

and conditions apply. The “Come and Try” will start after lunch at 1.00pm. Spots are limited

so book early.

To Register please complete the google registration form.


Summer Development Series – Round 3 Entries Open

After the success of Rounds 1 & 2, OMCC are back with Round 3 of development the development series aimed at getting OMCC members into more formal competition and give existing riders a chance to develop their skills further.

A lot of riders enjoyed having the optional 5th lap. Please ensure you can get your entries in as early as possible so we know how many sections to set.

Entry Link: https://entryplace.com.au/2024SummerSeriesRD3

For New riders:

There is no better place to learn trials than trying a to ride a section set by someone else. White arrows (T5) and Blue arrows (T4) are typically where most people start. It’s a great learning opportunity to know what you need to practice when you come to back to the club.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

For Previously Non-Competitive Riders:

Without the formality and expense of getting a competitive license, come and try trials in a competitive format in the familiarity of the OMCC club grounds. It will be a good opportunity to see if competing is for you before having to commit to the expenses of a licence etc. Even if that doesn’t eventuate, most riders take away a lot of learnings from riding a in a section set by someone else so there often a win-win either way.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

Competitive Riders:

You know already what this is about…come and ride when there are no typically scheduled trials for a bit of a laugh and fun in a very relaxed atmosphere. Feel free to push yourself and try a higher grade? Or bring out the Twinshocks for something different? Lets have some fun and keep things interesting!

Please understand however that the focus is to get new people competing so please be supportive to the newer riders.

Who is this open to:

OMCC Annual Members

OMCC Day Members ($20)


Saturday 9th December

Saturday 20th January

Saturday 10th February


Gates open: 12:00 midday

Rider Briefing: 1pm

Start: 1:15pm

BBQ: From 4-6pm

Finish: 6pm


T6No arrows; just get from start to end gates and stay between the boundary tape. This is where riders with no riding experience (e.g. juniors) typically start.
T5White Arrows; medium to tight turns, and mostly obstacle free. This is where beginner riders should start.
T4Blue Arrows; tight turns with obstacles ranging in size from axle height to wheel height
T4+Blue arrows with a + mark; very tight turns but shouldn’t need to hop and wheel height obstacles
T3Yellow Arrows; hopping required to make turns, waist height obstacles with very little run up. We will offer the occasional ‘red’ arrow for those keen to push themselves.


Individual $35

Family $50

BBQ included in entry fee (from 4pm)


Buddy system (you ride with a partner who will validate your scores)

Scores will be tallied to monitor improvement over the series.

Entry Links for Round 3:


What’s happening at OMCC – January 2024

Summer Development Series Round 1

Round 1 resembled winter more so than Summer. Regardless of the climactic challenges, a hardy group of 27 riders pushed themselves around the club grounds. We had 5 newbies who took the chance to ride between tapes and arrows. There were more experienced riders there who helped any inexperienced riders who needed guidance.

There were lots of smiles and positive feedback.

Results here.

Summer Development Series Round 2 & Changes for Rd 3

Remember that this Saturday afternoon is Rd 2 of the Summer Development Series. Weather is looking good.

Entries Close Friday, please get entries as soon as possible to assist with catering, BBQ provided after trial.

Entry Link: https://entryplace.com.au/2024SummerSeriesRD2

Full Details: https://www.oakleighmcc.com/…/summer-development…/

Round 3 is changing in a couple of ways:

Firstly, the date is now: SUNDAY 18th February

Secondly, we are moving the location: It will now be held at Winchelsea

Finally, it will be held under a MA permit and so an MA license is a requirement of entry and being an OMCC member is not a requirement so will be open to all riders who hold a MA license.  

The OMCC committee have decided to make this round a charity trial and donate the profits. OMCC are seeking suggestions from members of the club on potential charities that we can support. Please nominate suggestions of charities to Peter Spencer.

Billy Green Training Wrap Up

How exciting was it to have a Trial 2 world champ making the biggest obstacles we have in our club grounds look trivial?

There were lots of positive feedback, and it would appear everyone enjoyed themselves.

Full wrap up here.

Glenmaggie is go; new club joint venture & call for help

We can now confirm that Glenmaggie is a go. There will be a new cub forming in the South East of Victoria to support trials and enduro in the area.

To help them get established OMCC are coordinating with the new club officials to aid them in getting established and with their help Glenmaggie will be a joint club arrangement. More details to follow once they are known.

Dates: Sat 30th – Sun 31st March with campaign available Easter Fri & Mon.

In the meantime, if you are able to help please liaise with Justin Stone.

We will need: Event officials, Section Setters & Observers.

2024 Vic Trials Calendar & VTS dates

The Victorian trials calendar will be out very soon with the dates of the VTS series keep an eye on Trials Australia, and the ‘trials week’ that Victoria are hosting for the Australian Titles.

The First round of the VTS Series will be hosted by OMCC on 21st April and will be held at Peters Lane, Mardan; more details to follow soon.

Call for volunteers: We will be needing Section setters, event officials and Observers.  


This is notice that OMCC will be holding it’s AGM on February 25th 2024 at 2pm at the OMCC club grounds.

The AGM is an important event for OMCC. It gives its members a broad overview of the club’s current directions, financial health and confirms its purpose. It is also the time to revitalise the organisation through the official engagement of members into key elected positions.

We encourage as many members as possible to get down, and if you are able, get involved in the running of the club.

Upcoming Events

Summer Series Rd 2Saturday 20th January
OMCC Charity  TrialSunday 18th February
AGMSunday 25th February
Glenmaggie Easter TrialSaturday 30th March Sunday 31st March
VTS Round 1April 21st April

For the full calendar visit:


Summer Development Series – Round 2 Entries Open

After the success of Round 1, OMCC are back with Round 2 of development the development series aimed at getting OMCC members into more formal competition and give existing riders a chance to develop their skills further.

In a slight tweak, we are back to using Entryplace for entries:


For New riders:

There is no better place to learn trials than trying a to ride a section set by someone else. White arrows (T5) and Blue arrows (T4) are typically where most people start. It’s a great learning opportunity to know what you need to practice when you come to back to the club.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

For Previously Non-Competitive Riders:

Without the formality and expense of getting a competitive license, come and try trials in a competitive format in the familiarity of the OMCC club grounds. It will be a good opportunity to see if competing is for you before having to commit to the expenses of a licence etc. Even if that doesn’t eventuate, most riders take away a lot of learnings from riding a in a section set by someone else so there often a win-win either way.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

Competitive Riders:

You know already what this is about…come and ride when there are no typically scheduled trials for a bit of a laugh and fun in a very relaxed atmosphere. Feel free to push yourself and try a higher grade? Or bring out the Twinshocks for something different? Lets have some fun and keep things interesting!

Please understand however that the focus is to get new people competing so please be supportive to the newer riders.

Who is this open to:

OMCC Annual Members

OMCC Day Members ($20)


Saturday 9th December

Saturday 20th January

Saturday 10th February


Gates open: 12:00 midday

Rider Briefing: 1pm

Start: 1:15pm

BBQ: From 4-6pm

Finish: 6pm


T6No arrows; just get from start to end gates and stay between the boundary tape. This is where riders with no riding experience (e.g. juniors) typically start.
T5White Arrows; medium to tight turns, and mostly obstacle free. This is where beginner riders should start.
T4Blue Arrows; tight turns with obstacles ranging in size from axle height to wheel height
T4+Blue arrows with a + mark; very tight turns but shouldn’t need to hop and wheel height obstacles
T3Yellow Arrows; hopping required to make turns, waist height obstacles with very little run up. We will offer the occasional ‘red’ arrow for those keen to push themselves.


Individual $35

Family $50

BBQ included in entry fee (from 4pm)


Buddy system (you ride with a partner who will validate your scores)

Scores will be tallied to monitor improvement over the series.

Entry Links for Round 2:


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